Wednesday, March 25


I have an announcement...
iPhone owner!!
Yes! Shock! Horror! Expectedness!
I've just begun to follow also a cool iPhone accessories website
I've already chosen my case for the unit. A Switcheasy capsule neo pro
(Whatever that means - it looked freakin' sweet)
Look forward to my photos of teh device
A 16gb Black one BTW^^
7 days w00000

Wednesday, March 18

80th post w000

This is my eightieth post
Go me
I have Red Bull
They were $4.20 each at 7-11 or 2 forr $5
So as if I COULDN'T get two
I slammed one down during lunch
And now I sip it's brother down with ice after work
Thirteen days
I was listeningg to Only by Nine Inch Nails in the car on the way home
I did think Trent razor or whateverhisname is haad a good singing voice
But with a synthesizer I could be the guy who apparently gave oral sex to Marylin Manson
Marc, thats right isn't it??
What was I on about? Oh. Nothing =P
Ricky's MegaMan game arrived today. And also my *gift for someone special*
All I can think of now

Sunday, March 15

My Happiness

Everyone needs to CHILL
And be thankful for where you are
And the people you know
And the things you've done. That you're going to do and that you're doing!
And... Shit
Not literally shit
But the unofficial "Stuff" definition
So yeah?
Be happy
I know I have a LOT to be happy for =)
Go celebrate


It's Sunday
If the days of the week were Simpsons characters
Sunday would be Moe Sizlak
I've learned a lot about Car Audio this week
And found out iTunes AAC+ Protected format isn't as "protected" as they thought
As both my Nokia E71 PDA and my new Eclipse Head Unit can both play them straight
I got a new head unit, by the way
And, now that my car repaments to my parents have decreased significantly
I might consider the purchase of some new "speakers" and an "amplifier"
Considering the age, make and model of my car I shall be using my beloved
Jasmine for quite some time yet it would be a prudent investment
Though not a purely financial one
Thank God the sun has finally started to go down
I've had the sun BLARING at me through my piss-poor curtains for a bloody hour
I've finished all three seasons of Boosh
I wanted more of that Shaman guy, who played Moss from IT crowd
He was hilarious. "Rolling with the boys" hehehe
And while I'm there
I did enjoy the Boosh, especially the last two seasons
But I still find the two short seasons of IT
Much funnier
IT: 9/10
Boosh: 7.5/10
Too... Bizarre for me. Couldn't keep up with it
And all those breakout songs? And that WHOLE episode about two psychodelic rockstars was NOT funny at all. Didn't laugh once...
I think thats about it...
Using an Eee PC as your main PC is crazy. Do NOT try it. I have and I can barely run iTunes!!
And now I must shave
My attempts at furriness has resulted in...
Transparent furriness
And it's jusst annoying and I feel unclean =O
Keepon loving or living or whatever you crazy kids are doing =)

Thursday, March 5

Some things you may not know about Rhett

Rhett is Rhett
Rhett's name is Rhett
Rhett owns Cornelius
Rhett has an 8 megapixel digital camera
Rhett has glasses
Rhett has Astigmatism (I checked, nothing to do with Stigmata, sadly)
Rhett doesn't like spiders
Rhett has an Eee PC
Rhett wishes he had a machine he could run Ubuntu on
Rhett invented: a) The Cat
b) Beyblades and
c) The emotion 'apathetic'
Rhett has a car
Rhett is of the 'male' gender
Rhett has a big toe without any toenail
Rhett had a Teddy bear
Rhett's DVD collection consists of some of the following:
-The Fresh Prince of Bel Air (Best 80s sit-com EVER)
-ViVa La Bam, Complete Seasons 1-5
-TWO Copies of the original Star Wars Trilogy on DVD
-Breakdance 2: Electric Boogaloo
Rhett dislikes the lack of... Security that is commonplac with boxers and prefers jocks
Rhett thinks you needed to know that, yep
Rhett is a Human Being
Rhett is a Human Going

Rhett also has an awesome Girlfriend
Rhett also does enjoy seeing said girlfriend in underwear of the pretty vaariety
Rhett loves her

...Happy!? =)

Wednesday, March 4

The *un-named ship*

From 10179 Falcon 4

Again, click for bigger picture - Sorry my camera batteries have to be charged...

Tweed *sigh*

From Weird Shit

Click on the picture to see it in ful size and laugh at Tweed's moron wannabe gangsters
(Yes, they're actually called "Crips")