So much stuff has happened recently
And now not much is
Not much at all
Makes the mind wander
I gave a gift, recently
A very very important gift
The person who received the gift will read this
And she'll know what I'm talking about
It wasn't a new idea, unfortunately
But the gift came with a meaning
A very important meaning
And the physical properties of the gift represent that meaning
Shape and also material
I pondered it endlessly beforehand
I didn't need to
I wanted to make myself sure as sure can get
But I already was
And also the inscription on the gift conveys that meaning
But only her and I will fully understand the words, and our past behind the words
The present was also partially for me
Because the harpoon might shrink if I'm sure she knows
And it has
But it's still there
It will go
But I have to work for it
But it's OK
Because the way I see it, I can't ever *not* get this harpoon removed
I also made a list of some of the things I'm thankful for
My girlfriend
My goal
My job
My car
My family
My location
The contents of my wallet
My Ebay account
My iMac
My Nokia e71 (Seriously in love with that phone)
My PS3
My collection of X-Files: seasons 1-9 including both movies
My Star Wars books
My huge DVD collection
My love of tech
The fact that my previously mentioned gift was accepted instantly
The Government
Logitech MX revolution
My girlfriend
My Logitech iPod speaker/clock/alarm dock
My girlfriend
George Lucas
Sony's earphones
Steve Perry (The Expanded Universe Author, not the generic name combination. Even though...)
My official "Make myself look more adult in my parents' eyes" campaign has started to success. Thank god
Tonight's very tame pizza was a hit. Even though I didn;t even get ot put anything fun in there (Hello - a desert pizza, or one with egg, or one with fries/potato gems)
Oh and I also gave another gift
But I think I would be in trouble if I told people about that one =P
(Actually, I know it's the case but I'll just make doubly sure gift was properly appreciated and accepted... I'll get back to you on that one)
I'm getting into the new Snow Patrol song. Take back the City.
The title is very inspiring
*fictional cogs are in motion*
I'll get back to you on *that* too
Rhett out
People I should be allowed to Kill
15 years ago
i'll do mean/teasing things to you later...
meanie =P
yes, of course it was fully appreciated etc!!
sometimes i wonder if you think i'm (yes i think that's the word) ^^
ah you sexy nutter. you make my naked fireman calender dudes look ugly.
and by the way,
It was more "Oh, I know she *did* but I didn't get the words" =D
what, you want me to spell *everything* out for you?
i hope i have the patience...
No, it's just with this... *will expand upon later*
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