Thursday, December 11

Why people need people like ME in their world #455,236

So I went to Lily's school thingamajig last night.
Truly it was awful.
Usually they're these pissy half-hour speech and a song and dance from each school year group. This year there was bloody speeches galore, twenty two songs with dance. Few group speeches (Completely faked and terrible - what alse should I expect from six-year-olds though)
I should update my grand list of people I should be legally able to kill to include:
Obese mothers who screech at their kids and wallop them for screeching back (Where do you think they learn that from, you pig-faced moron?!)
Parents who are so stupidly proud of their children they STAND UP in their seats to see said child, blocking 30 peoples' view
Principals and school captains whose speeches are almost identical and cover EVERY topic the other's did
It's a bit bigoted perhaps, but these parents wo send their kids to mid-low level range catholic schools are the WORST, the most MORONIC drivers ever in existance.
Thankfully my father and I share this opinion.
If you don't grab your kid and RUN to the car park, you're trapped behind thirty do-gooder drivers who do things such as:
Stop and give way when they have RIGHT OF WAY
When turning into a kerb, they don't turn gradually; leaving drivers such as me sneaking room to move around them instead of being stuck behind them as they do a sharp, quick turn and have to correct and re-correct and re-re-re-correct
Drive 20km/hr BELOW the speed limit, in the dead of night
Wear those obnoxious "Baby on board" stickers in their windows
Drive gas-guzzling massive four-wheel-drives when their most rugged terrain is driving up a quasi-inclined driveway
Well, whinge over.
Oh- the REASON I blogged was to say that for about half an hour the school's IT guys had projector troubles. For chrissake, CHANGE THE RESOLUTION TO MATCH THE PROJECTOR'S, IT'S A LITTLE HARD ON THE EYES BUT IT WORKS!!!!!!!!
Rhett out

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