Saturday, January 31

Rhett's News Picks #2

See this
And the good 'ol socialist, high-tax labour mob's Kevin07 political face mask is finally thrown off
I bloody knew it would happen sooner or later...
(Even though I must admit his attention to the GLobal Financial Crisis has been rather go-get)

Thursday, January 29

Oh My God

See this

Is this even *real*

Is this even REAL?
It seems like something from a political drawing orsome kind of heinous joke

(But seriously, the look on G W's face when he dodged that was classis - it was like "Hey Barbara - didyeh see THAT?!")

Tuesday, January 27

Saturday, January 24

My remake of Raiders of the Lost Ark

Heres my stellar cast for my proposed Indy(haha) remake of Raiders:

Indiana Jones: Owen Wilson
Marion Ravenwood: Hugh Grant
Marcus Brody: That Terminator from The Terminator(The first one - the cool robotic skeleton one)
Sallah: Kevin Spacey (If he's still alive, if not then Ben Stiller)
Toht: Jack Black
All those Nazi's: The whole cast fo Fraggle ROck (And from The Muppets if we run out, except Kermit)
All those Egyptian Guys: Millons of digitally-reproduced Mr. T's
Belloq: The guy that played Borat in Borat

Thats the cast so far. I will need to get in contact with these people... THis may be a challenge

(All rights property of their legal owners and all that proper legal mumbo-jumbo, just in case someone decided to sue me)

Friday, January 23

Rhett's News Picks #1

A new section, Rhett's News Picks will be random/funny/sad/political news reports I see and would like to share
The first being this
Like... Seriously... WTF...

If this isn't self centered I don't know what is

Have a look at this and tell me Mr. Kevin Rudd hasn't caught Self-Centered Fever
THe power is going to his head worse than Mayor Adam West

Monday, January 19

Random Family Guy gag I thought would be funny

Having nothing but my own insane head to entertain myself during my fever-ridden sleepless nights, I've devised this rather humorous Family Guy Piece:

Peter: This is more painful than that time I cut off my nose to spite my face!
Peter: *Cuts nose off, screams*
Peter: *Turns around to look at self in mirror*
Peter: Take *that* face!! *dramatically points at his face*
*Lois walks in*
Lois: Oh my god! Peter
Peter: *still laughing* Hehehehehe-Oh Lois, you might want to call an ambulan-*collapses*

Saturday, January 17

Need to MOC

I need to MOC
I haven't bought a new set in *ages*
But thats OK - I've got this coming soon!!
But until then? Hmm...
And I've been sick recently, too
If I sound crazy, it's because I've probably had maybe seven hours sleep in the past 48 hours

Wacca wacca,

Oh, come on!!

*reads this*
Oh, what a load of BS

Wednesday, January 14

Cool Rebel Attack Mini-Size MOC

The MOS is by a guy called roguebantha_1138
And It's just


What is that dancing green monster?
How did he get there?
Why is he dancing on a half-built UCS Millennium Falcon?
Why do I find that picture unbelievably hilarious!?

Tuesday, January 13


This is the best thing to come from the miracle of Christmas since all those half-baked Christmas sales!

Saturday, January 10

I like this guy

Read this, I love it:

If you do [Plagiarize] I will send a Stealth Virus to infect your computer (because
I am a Cheap Ass, I *know* when you rip me off) and this Stealth Virus
will stay in your computer without your knowledge, destroying your life,
but you will never know because it is a Stealth Virus. You can go on
with your life as if nothing happened, you will not know anything
about the Stealth Virus until it is too late. The virus is so advanced
it will cause all sorts of things in your life to go haywire. That
girl you were courting turns you down? Stealth virus. Lost your job?
It wasn't the recession, it was the Stealth Virus. Failed your last
midterms? That's because the Stealth Virus played low frequency
sounds from the PC speakers while you were asleep, causing a fitful
sleep that did not prepare you to undertake the next day. Trouble
with the Missus? The Stealth Virus has been sending all sorts of
profane e-mails from you to her best friends, and they've been
talking about your obscene behavior during their tea-time get togehters.

There is no anti-virus for my super advanced Stealth Virus. The only
way to get rid of it is to trash your PC. You must trash the PC, because
if you don't it will be back. If you sell it to a friend the virus will
dial-up from the friend's house to find your computer again and infect it.
It infects the BIOS as well, so if you change your harddisk it won't help.
This is an evil virus, designed by me to give you heaven's punishment
for being a Cheap Ass rip-off. If by some divine intervention you do manage
to get rid of the Stealth Virus, your confidence will still have been
shattered by the devastating effects of the virus, crippling you for life
and impairing your efficiency and esteem.

So plagiarist beware.

I love this guy. Hehehehe

Thursday, January 8

Look at this


Oh, my blogging blogg

What to blog on...
Family guy is hilarious, and sometimes even smart, in the way they satiricalise human behavior
And the random Muppets/Sesame street stuff. Cookie Monster the cookie junkie hehehe
And Bert and Ernie, the troubled gay couple
And Kermit the Frog, French Chef and the Joke-Bear's new voices hehehe
(LOL Brian's taking a blind guy to the movie theatre hahaha)
Thats all I've got...

Tuesday, January 6

Big f*cking spider

Check this bad boy out, spotted in my room by me, and flung into the garden by Dad

Well. Thats one big mutha fucker (Samuel L Jackson *lovehearts*)

You won't be able to read all of this one, but open the image in a new tab. Who the hell from Apple puts a review made by *that* magazine!?

Open this one in a new tab, too. Thats from my iTunes - either a slick internet speed, or ! glitch !

Monday, January 5

Official Licensed Sony Motion Controller for PS2

This is good

How to Impress a Woman:
compliment her,
kiss her,
caress her,
love her,
comfort her,
protect her,
hold her,
spend money on her, *definitely* got that one done
wine & dine her,
listen to her,
stand by her,
support her,
go to the ends of the earth for her.

Well I've bloody got that covered!!

How to Impress a Man:
show up naked,
bring beer.

*looks around expectantly*