Saturday, February 28

Eee, the statement of obvious facts and Kernel disasters

I got an Eee PC. The Linux-equipped 701SD. After a weekend of struggling with different distributions and kernels and drivers and got knows what else, I've reverted to the Asus Linux OS 1.6 environment. Boo...
And I saw this
My god, who *didn't* know that, or if asked "Which one os safer - Private or Public" would not answer "Private" anyway!?
Bloody Hell...
Oh and Cornelius says "hello"
XD / =D / =P / :) / B)

Monday, February 16


Sorry I've been so lax, people
I started reading Twilight today
Seriously - that Bella
Anyone who was in earshot at Simon's party, please recall my "What that b*tch needs..." speech, but replace *her* name with Bella
R to the H to the E, T T

Tuesday, February 10

Rhett's News Picks #4

On a more serious note...
It's people like these, save if they're mentally unwell that should deserve the death sentence, or a serious punishment...
See here

Sunday, February 8

RHett's News Picks #3

See here
Vodafone's to-do list:
- Take over Hutchison/3
- Take over world
- Get Milk

Thursday, February 5

Work is a vacuum

Yes, Work is a vacuum, sucking all the blogginess out of me
But one day I shall return
Probably tomorrow
So can you l last till then?
Well you damn better