Sunday, November 16

Post #2

Oh, what to talk about?
I had a job interview, today. Yup. Go me. For the position of Console Operator at a Woolies Petrol Station. I think it went OK, too!
New 2009 LEGO sets starting to appear too!
(*Googles how to link with HTML - I know it. I know I know it. I've just forgotten it. Argharghargharghargh*)
OK OK - THanks to I've found it. Phew!
I'm trying to watch my Region 2 House, MD DVDs and i'ts proving to be quite hard. I used to be able to just watch them on my old DVD player, but now it's laser stopper laser-ing. 
THEN my iMac won't let me play them with the Region-Lockout turnaround-madjigey thing I used in XP. Thanks, Apple. 
THEN my XP installation on my iMac using boocamp won't let me do it either. 
There goes the best part of US$100 for those DVDs *silent corner-sobbing*
I shall survive this, however. Somehow. I must. I shall. 
OK, OK. Whinge over. 
I'll post later on tonight, most probably to gey myself back into blogging. 
I love you, all of you reading this
(More like all one of you at this stage^^)
-The Rhettmeister

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