Sunday, November 16

Posting again - I'm on a roll!

People look so cool when their blogs go back months and months. I wish mine did. 
Hmm... Stupid short, 3-post blog *stares evily at*
So many things going on with me right now. It's kinda strange. I mean hell - six months ago it was pretty quiet for me. Now I've got Dec. (0mg! 26 days!) and looking for work, and a CAR (0mg *love hearts for my car*) and a notch-up study-wise next year, too. And OLH. Well, That partially, contextually takes place from NOW until *THEN* I *guess*...
0mfg Rhetts got it all happening...
Erkh. Can I puh-lease not to to TAFE tomorrow? I really don't want to go. I'm procrastinating right now, I know. But the teacher I'll have is procrastinating while trying to teach. Lesser of two evils, I guess^^
Erm... I got a letter from the bank today, too. I could get a  ?credit card? and a ?loan? if I wanted to. What the hell would I do with a loan? Probably pay some flash-geeks to flash me up a flashy, flash-filled flash movie about MGS4. 
Hehehe I love that game. All the MGS' rock. 
Raiden isn't the comic relief, I found in MGS4. There wasn't any real in-your-face comedic side to this one. Ocaton kept crying. He gives a bad name to us metrosexual-looking glasses-wearers, I swear. 
Talk about product placement - Old Snake uses an iPod?! And Otacon uses a Macbook Pro!?
Apple and Google will take over the world. We all know it. 
Erkh. 26 days. I don't think I can last that long. 
I will, though. I need it. We need it. We >need< **it**, too. 
I should post some of my MOCs (My Own Creation - LEGO stuff I've made)
Thats a good idea, too. I shall of course run them by the judge before posting. 
I'm sad. Sad sad sad. I shouldn't be so sad (I'm sad for a reason, but it's a secret - can;t tell you)
I've got something insanely awesome to focus on. I shall focus on that. 
She's so good to me. I'm so lucky. 
I'll post some MOC photos soon, too!

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