Sunday, November 16

The First entry

I think (Or I hope...) This is the part where I put my blogg-osity. 
Well, Thats where I'm doing it, so get used to it!
So many people blog these days it's insane! As a proud Web2.0 man-robot, I thought it would be my place to blogg my every move, but I guess I haven;t been into it.
When I found out **someone** blogged as well (And didn;t tell me for NEARLY SIX MONTHS *angryface*) I thought I MUST give this another go - because if *they* can do it - I certainly can!
My problem with my blogs in the past has always been forgetfulness. I forget to post. 
Well, no more!
Go blogg yourself


Cora Stornaway said...

ahemph. I *said* I was sorry!!
What more do you want?! =P

Rhett said...

A hug shall do. (Still a little disbelief, though)

Cora Stornaway said...

it didn't occur to me that it might register in the "things Rhett might find important. maybe." column...*cries* sorreeeeeeeee

Rhett said...

I'm just stirring you^^