Wednesday, December 31


I'm eating a Fantale
Who the hell writes a fantale piece about Hugh Jackman?!

Tuesday, December 30

I don't even want to blog... But...

So how's everyone going anyway? New year's eve tonight!!
Cotton by the Mountain Goats. Strange song, but I love it. Even if it is a bit folky
I met a guy yesterdaw who phonetically says follkey, not fokey
Road to Mandalay by Robbie Williams now. Had it stuck in my head for *days*
I have a fantail. Seriously love those chewy, factual bastards
Oh and Teddy's here too
He's a red panted bastard, for sure
Man, if someone game me Rhett-size pants like that I'd be their slave
Thinking of rearranging my room... Again...
Too much effort, but I've already packed the 14 (I counted) things that take AC power from my desk, so I'll need to un-pack (About ---- energy) Or continue with the rearrangement ------ energy)
So sleepy
I was up an NINE this morning for an... Appointment - NINE
I haven't been up at nine since my now-finished TAFE days...
Man TAFE was so... Crazy and stinge...
Learned a tonne though
Oh I've got a few names for my ship (Which again I have drastically renovated again)
Heavy Metal Toxicity, Mercury's eclipse, Dutiful Courier or Diligent Envoy
Or combinations... I just like those names

Monday, December 29

Xbox 360 Vs PS3

When I can be bothered, I have pics and will finally, once and for all, answer the question that unlocks the mystery to life itself:
Xbox 360 versus PlayStation 3!!
Be prepared...

My draft ship

Enjoy: The as-of-now un-named ship:

The interior. Includes:
Cockpit with Pilot and Co=Pilot seats, and dual safety harnesses
Crew Quarters, with two desks and bunk system
Cafe' with counter and drink machine, sofa facing the stars and a table with two chairs
Captain's Quarters, with mahogany desk, comfortable bed and personal safe
Cargo area with garage-type air lock for easy outside access
Maintenance room, with storage and tool rack
Engine room, with detailed engine
And a 6-stud wide passenger and small-cargo ramp!
See here for the pics!

Friday, December 26


What the hell is that song ABOUT anyway?!

Take back the city

I was listening to that song (Which I don't mind) and painted in my head was something like this:
(Please note the bolded sentences are lyrics from the song)
I'll fully work it onto a fantasy piece one day. Maybe.

The word spread through the camp like wildfire. Take back the city
Take back the city for yourself tonight
Or I'll take back the city for me

I said to her. Once pretty and dainty and gentle, now grungy, dirty and all innocence robbed. She simply nodded.
Take back the city for yourself tonight

God knows you put your life in two a times
And it's both cradled you and crushed

The leader said to everyone. Speaking of our hard times and our glorious ones. Of oppression and revolt and rebellion.
Crushing defeat and despair, and on the contrast bright days lacing glorious victories
But now it's time to make your own demands
And we did. We're taking back the city

All these years later and it's killing me

Across from me, a seasoned fighter said to no-one in particuler
Your broken records in words
Ten thousand craters where it all should be

He referred to our previous battlefields.

No need to put your words into my mouth
Don't need convincing at all

We said to the leader. Eager for a fight. Rowelled up after all the speech.
I love the place where I have no doubts
She said to me. Whispered in my ear

Extreme rough draft, of course

Oh, they're so crazy

Have a look at this (Thanks to ABC news)
Who else thinks the Japanese Government's well-earned yen could be spent... Oh... I don't know... Curing cancer or building nanomachines!?

My Hover Helicopter

Whipped this up watching Rambo 3
Hehehe Oh, that Rambo is so crazy... He just wants to be left alone hohoho
From Hover Helicopter

From Hover Helicopter

From Hover Helicopter

Thursday, December 25

"First thing we should do when we get out of this [Alien invasion] is make our robots arm wrestle again!..." -Scwartz

"The stars themselves once lived and died at our command, and yet you still dare oppose our will." - Farseer Mirehn Biellann

"Honour is a lie; Glory is of no use to the dead." -Darth Revan

"Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope. Statement: This definition, I am told, is subject to interpretation. Obviously, love is a matter of odds. Not many meatbags could make such a shot, and fewer would derive love from it. Yet for me, love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticle, and together, achieving a singular purpose, against statistically long odds." -HK-47

"Maybe there's a God above, and all I ever learned from love is how to shoot at someone who out-drew you." -Leonard Cohen

Wednesday, December 24

German Daleks...

My Christmas Eve LEGO car

Merry Christmas to all bladiblabla
Enjoy this, I know you will

Rhett out

Tuesday, December 23

Christmas Eve

I've been curiously apathic this whole holiday
Kinda like "Oh, christmas is near. Oh joy... Meh"
Guess I had other things to look forward to beforehand =P
Broke into a 2G SIM card to find out what was in it
They're curiously small devices
Got an xbox 360 also a few days ago
Man they're fun. But everything is such *low* quality compared to my PS3
Enjoy these photos

Rhett out

Strange package

I received this strange parcel in the mail box today
From The Illuminati do exist...

Notice the "Illuminati" word on it.
Please note, disappointingly there was no secret invitation to *join* said secret organisation...
Ah well, what I *did* receive (Millennium Falcon by James Luceno) is a glorious book, albeit somewhat derivative from the main story arc of the 'Legacy' series...

Sunday, December 21

Brain vent

So much stuff has happened recently
And now not much is
Not much at all
Makes the mind wander

I gave a gift, recently
A very very important gift
The person who received the gift will read this
And she'll know what I'm talking about
It wasn't a new idea, unfortunately
But the gift came with a meaning
A very important meaning
And the physical properties of the gift represent that meaning
Shape and also material
I pondered it endlessly beforehand
I didn't need to
I wanted to make myself sure as sure can get
But I already was
And also the inscription on the gift conveys that meaning
But only her and I will fully understand the words, and our past behind the words

The present was also partially for me
Because the harpoon might shrink if I'm sure she knows
And it has
But it's still there
It will go
But I have to work for it
But it's OK
Because the way I see it, I can't ever *not* get this harpoon removed

I also made a list of some of the things I'm thankful for
My girlfriend
My goal
My job
My car
My family
My location
The contents of my wallet
My Ebay account
My iMac
My Nokia e71 (Seriously in love with that phone)
My PS3
My collection of X-Files: seasons 1-9 including both movies
My Star Wars books
My huge DVD collection
My love of tech
The fact that my previously mentioned gift was accepted instantly
The Government
Logitech MX revolution
My girlfriend
My Logitech iPod speaker/clock/alarm dock
My girlfriend
George Lucas
Sony's earphones
Steve Perry (The Expanded Universe Author, not the generic name combination. Even though...)

My official "Make myself look more adult in my parents' eyes" campaign has started to success. Thank god
Tonight's very tame pizza was a hit. Even though I didn;t even get ot put anything fun in there (Hello - a desert pizza, or one with egg, or one with fries/potato gems)

Oh and I also gave another gift
But I think I would be in trouble if I told people about that one =P

(Actually, I know it's the case but I'll just make doubly sure gift was properly appreciated and accepted... I'll get back to you on that one)

I'm getting into the new Snow Patrol song. Take back the City.
The title is very inspiring
*fictional cogs are in motion*
I'll get back to you on *that* too

Rhett out

Friday, December 12

New Indiana Jones set review

Thanks to daoudbazaar for this one:

So lovely...
Rhett out

Thursday, December 11

Why people need people like ME in their world #455,236

So I went to Lily's school thingamajig last night.
Truly it was awful.
Usually they're these pissy half-hour speech and a song and dance from each school year group. This year there was bloody speeches galore, twenty two songs with dance. Few group speeches (Completely faked and terrible - what alse should I expect from six-year-olds though)
I should update my grand list of people I should be legally able to kill to include:
Obese mothers who screech at their kids and wallop them for screeching back (Where do you think they learn that from, you pig-faced moron?!)
Parents who are so stupidly proud of their children they STAND UP in their seats to see said child, blocking 30 peoples' view
Principals and school captains whose speeches are almost identical and cover EVERY topic the other's did
It's a bit bigoted perhaps, but these parents wo send their kids to mid-low level range catholic schools are the WORST, the most MORONIC drivers ever in existance.
Thankfully my father and I share this opinion.
If you don't grab your kid and RUN to the car park, you're trapped behind thirty do-gooder drivers who do things such as:
Stop and give way when they have RIGHT OF WAY
When turning into a kerb, they don't turn gradually; leaving drivers such as me sneaking room to move around them instead of being stuck behind them as they do a sharp, quick turn and have to correct and re-correct and re-re-re-correct
Drive 20km/hr BELOW the speed limit, in the dead of night
Wear those obnoxious "Baby on board" stickers in their windows
Drive gas-guzzling massive four-wheel-drives when their most rugged terrain is driving up a quasi-inclined driveway
Well, whinge over.
Oh- the REASON I blogged was to say that for about half an hour the school's IT guys had projector troubles. For chrissake, CHANGE THE RESOLUTION TO MATCH THE PROJECTOR'S, IT'S A LITTLE HARD ON THE EYES BUT IT WORKS!!!!!!!!
Rhett out

Saturday, December 6

Finally my sweet-tooth pays off...

Look at this! I'm so proud - it's PERFECTION!

I bet you couldn't remove the foil absolutely NEATLY with the paper wrapping! I am the MASTER!

Tuesday, December 2

Testing embedding video again...

Thanks to ZDnet and Techrepublic for this:

Sunday, November 30

People I should be legally allowed to kill:

People who stand in line a the Post Office and do NOT entertain fantasies about killing everyone in the room
People who, after waiting in line at starbucks for half an hour get to the front of the line and still don't know what to get
People who don't do things - for no reason. They just don't.
People who wear earphones as a clothing accessory
People who think I care about them and are wrong
People who go for the 99% fat free version of a product
People who drink Coke Zero as their religion
People who drive slow and leave their indicators on
People who take 16 items through the 15 item Coles checkout and have a pricing tiff with the checkout chick
People who spend more than one hour a YEAR in the Centerlink
People who smoke
People who wear dresses that barely cover their ass (and not at all when ending over) and also barely cover their chests
People who can work in the same place for 12+years, doing 9 to 5
People who patronize me
People who modify their car so it looks better/goes faster/whatever and am convinced it's an accurate representation of their manliness or size of genitals
People who enjoy paying attention to the people mentioned above, that feed their ego
People who don't know what words like "procrastinate" mean (I know lots, sadly)
People who are both convoluted and self-centered
People who think social niceties are the law
People who practice hypocrisy

Check it, check it yo blow da mic -or whatever
- Rhet(t)

Friday, November 28

Good mother f*cking choice, mother f*ckers!

Ahh, how I do love that movie...
Anyway heres why I'm posting today - these nice random images I've collected and shall display to you now:

That was an anti-piracy (ha-ha) campaign I launched in High School. It failed.

Our pool in the backyard, on a nice shiny day

My 99% completely authentic LAAT/i Republic Battleship, photos taken in the pool shown above!

THis is actually a "Stupid computer" joke, so far only people like me have gotten it. Heehehe

My DVD and the first row of by book collections! All alphabetized, in the case of the DVDs and chonologized in the case of the Star Wars books!

And thats my good buddy Matt Coughran with a moustachios. Hilarity value roughly 384,482

I has a job

SO I've been successful in being employed by the Catholic Education Office as a School Support Officer, 1st level.
I'm the man.
I'm the f*cking man!
If anyone would like eo knw more about what I'l be doing four days a week next year:
School Support Officer advertisement (PDF)
School Support Officer position description (PDF)
Cheahs, brew^^
-Rhett (THe School Support Officer guy)

Wednesday, November 26

Yet again, jargon kills me

What that previous post is all about is the fact that someone can put string into a Excel Spreadsheet and the contents of cells A1 to D4 will be emailed to myself. It's quite good, if I do say so myself.
-RhettStation 2 (RS2)

Total. Vb. Pwnage. Look. Right. Here.

The sole greatest thing I have ever done. Period.

Option Explicit
Dim body
Dim email

Sub Export_Outlook()

email = InputBox("Please put in recipients email address")

body = Range("A1:D4")

Dim oOutlook As Outlook.Application

Set oOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Dim oNamespace As Namespace

Set oNamespace = oOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")


Dim oMailFolder As MAPIFolder

Set oMailItem = oOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

With oMailItem

.To = email

.Subject = "Quote"

.body = body


End With


End Sub

Tuesday, November 25

Room cleanout

Heres what I've found throughout my cupboard:

Monday, November 24

Ebaysing stuff - Check it out!

If you're interested, check out this
It's the stuff I'm selling right now. Need space in my room...
Argh. Stupid Ebay. Is it returning "No results" for you...?
Damn this BS
Better not just be some X-Files type TCP/IP glitch or I'm going to go 'Arnie on some Ebay's ass..

Sunday, November 23

Yellow house MOD/WIP

From Yellow House 0.9 (WIP)


Centerlink...God I hate that place

I cringed as I saw the logo hanging from the roof of the white building.
The building was located off the industrial area, and showed it. It was white, and both at the top and bottom were white frames, and between them large tinted windows.I walked closer, now being able to read the sign. It displayed the soothing mint green "Centerlink" and a green C logo.
I turned left, hiking up the disability ramp over the stairs and dancing round a scarily young mother of three wielding a dual pram.
I went to the automatic doors, enjoying the semi-cool air conditioning and the sight of cheap carpet and wood-pulp desks.
I took steps inward, and my skin crawled.
In front of me was two large desks, with a line behind each.And to my right, a row of seats, half of which were occupied.
The occupants. Ergh.
My skin crawled as I saw them.
In my line (Students, job seekers, losers) going from closest to my position to the front was an elderly aboriginal man, grey hair, needing a shave and wearing a once-black collared shirt and red board shorts and mismatching thongs.
I named him Noel.
In front of him was Angel and Joel.
Angel was a 20-something short blonde girl. She had a bareback top and black tight pants. I could see Chinese symbol tattoos going from her neck downward. She
had a thick silver-plated bangle on her left wrist, and her right was clutched by Joel.
Joel looked older than her, and much taller. He could have been hispanic - dark skin, black hair, chronic peach-fuzz and one of those stupid baseball caps with stickers all along the brim. He clutched what looked like a HSC booklet in his free hand.
In front of him was Dave, the 30-ish caucasian guy with long brown hair in a pony tail, tie-die shirt and faded jeans. He had a letter that looked like mine in his hand.
In front of Dave, and first in the cue was Jarahd.
Jarahd was of some kind of African descent, and possessed a dauntingly-long collection of (What is that hair called... braids? Something like that...)
He held a skateboard and an empty red backpack. He also had one of those moronic hats. They seemed to reduce IQ points in my opinion.
After studiously examining my fellow line-dwellers, my eyes wandered to the Families, Carers and Seniors cue.
Oh. My. God.
The whole area over there teemed with 0-3 year old children. And their over-worked, exhausted, financially desperate mothers. Of the four or five families there (Totaling about 20 kids, for f*ck sake...) one of the fathers was present, arguing in whispered tones with his girlfriend/spouse/?
A few seniors dotted the line, elderly women with dark-coloured perms and gentlemen either pompous and arrogant, looking like they didn't belong, or old and worn out and sour.
Past them was the computer terminal. Populated curiously by 30-something women with annoying accents and poor english and extremely short hair. And disturbingly so, summer clothes.
Someone's phone rang. One of the lesbians at the computer terminal.
"Oh hey love"
"Nah thats bullshit, that is"
After that, I ignored her.
To my left, to the row of seats now:
There sat two late 20s guys, one oriental and one aboriginal, both in turn being tended to by a large man wearing a centerlink shirt and clutching in his podgy fingers a clip board.
By this stage, the line still not having moved I checked out the people behind the desks.
What a bunch of tired old malcontents. Getting their god-complex fix by making us wait as long as they want. They really piss me off.
Back to the desk in my line, a new jacket-wearong receptionist removed the CLOSED sign from her desk and was immediately interrupted by a 40-something woman wearing an "Ask me if I care" shirt. With her loud, pissed off voice she began (and everyone watched) to complain how she'd been waiting hours and hours and had to also last week, byt the "guy" hadn't asked for papers she knew he needed, so she was back. The receptionist put on her sympathetic face and pretty much said "I don't care. Not my problem, why are you coming to me with this?"
Well, that was the subtext anyway.
Eventually, the line grew and it was finally my turn. I sat my arms on the bench and took care of my business.
My skin crawled a little as I imagined all the unsavory people's arms on that bench.
Finally, the borish receptionist was done typing extremely slowly (Or just grew bored of it...) and said it was all done.
Glee spread within my soul as I walked out those automatic doors and down the disability ramp, this time nearly being run-over by some jerk in a wheelchair...

I f*cking hate Centerlink...

I would just like to let everyone know..

...That I suckl
Thats a RVB reference, BTW
What I REALLY want to show everyone is my new wallpaper!
...Okay maybe these Blogs dislike direct image linking...
Aaaaaanyway, heres the image source:
This is a pretty big one (Bow-Chicka-Bow-Wow)
Oh man, Metal Gear Rex gives me an erection every time
And thats Old Snake and Metal Gear Mk.II in the cockpit, too!
*is extremely sexually confused*

Saturday, November 22

Getting there...

So tomorrow I have my interview for the position of Support Officer for the Catholic Education Office. Tough job? Maybe. Fun job? Yeah!
And and AND:
I've got an old PS2 lined up to buy on the sly. So I can re-play MGSs 1, 2 and 3. And the super special editions of 2 and 3.
Wish me luck! Or I'll go back in time and try to replace the guy who GOT the job and along the way cause a whole bunch of time paradoxes.
Oh man - best movie I've seen in a LONG time
I love Raiden
*MGS exclamation mark*
-Solidus -Rhett- Snake

Friday, November 21

Thanks to Schick...

Check out these mad photos.
No, I did not photoshop these. I naturally grew these by pure will in the space of half an hour.



Support Officer CEO

So the Catholic Education Office called me yesterday. I have an interview for two positions as IT Support Officer level 1 on monday. A 28- and a 35- hour position.
I'd be supporting the local schools around here. And there's quite a few!
Pays $22 an hour I think...
Nod bad at any rate.
Would definitely be better than Diploma next year, both earnings-wise and education-wise IMO
And I got a new Ebay member ship assigned to Mum and Dad's shop. So I'm now the proud user of a Ebay Business!
Been looking at importing an MGS lighter, ash tray and cigarette case from China. Cost roughly $3AU
The shop also has a lot of Final Fantasy stuff. Cloud's letter opener, Cloud's ring and earring set, for example.
Check it out!

Wednesday, November 19

Hehehe... Thats gold!

Sorry- Image didn't stretch.
See this
I love that guy's style. Reminds me of MGS =o

Today is thursday

Today is thursday. It's eleven-ish. I was up at four-ish this morning, too. Shouldn't have pill-popped !six! of those heavily caffeinated breathmints...
So there are a lot more eurobricks pirate reviews out now, too.
And and and and AND:
A website that sells every T-shirt I've ever wanted
Two great finds. Oh man if I was a yankee I'd be their best customer
*throws out every T-shirt he has*
Thanks to Ricky for lending me his Gamecube and letting me play MGS:Twin Snakes *love hearts*
Frankie says relax

Tuesday, November 18

Testing embedding video

Watch this. Best online machinima ever.

My Sports SUV

Sup 'yall
Put this together tonight. Enjoy^^
From Sports SUV

House diagnosed Heavy Metal Toxicity.
That'd be a good name for a band, I think.
If I was in a band, that'd be what I'd call it.
Remember: If the intern and the Attending radiologist both can't see a dark spot, there's a spot.
Thats from The House Of God, a great semi-satirical book on practicing medicine and a LOT of sex in hospitals.
(Why do my hands smell like some kind of chemical?!)

Monday, November 17


I love the crew at 'Euro.
*love hearts epically*
5150 Lego's 4WD and Horse Trailer review
Svelte_corps' Brickbeard's Bounty review (Warning - many large images)
The Brickster's Pirate Construction Set Review
Oh man - all my Christmass' have come at once
I'll be busy all night combing through those pics *orgasm*

Something from Scrubs I love

I was thinking about this quote all day - this is an excerpt from the script:
Todd: I know. You know, we almost did-- [noticing the patient's exposed groin] Whoa! What's going on here!

My little jeep

I threw this together at about 1am last night.


Not much happening today. I should get to coding tonight, or tomorrow for Steve.
Steve. What a crazy-ass mofo hehehehehe
Anyway: For all you Red Vs Blue (RVB) fans (Or people who want to know what its all about) check this out.
I have known about RVB since *way* before Yu-Gi-Oh abridged. I think they're both equally hilarious.
That youtube 'vid is about Caboose, one of the characters. There are like eight of them, all as funny^^
Peace out

I'm such a genius (From surfing

-A pernicious and malign influence that is hard to get rid of; "racism is a pestilence at the heart of the nation"; "according to him, I was the canker in their midst"
-A destroying agent, such as a disease like the bubonic plague (Jer 15:2; Rev 6:8).
-Any epidemic disease that is highly contagious, infectious, virulent and devastating
-Halo MOCs
See THis for clarification it you're not an AFOL

... (Adult Fan Of Lego)



Maybe I'm thinking a level above everybody else, but sometimes I look at pictures some people our age take and think "Wow. That person/people is so cool/underground/different/deep/brooding/emo/goth because they took a photo not looking at the camera using a sepia filter! 0mg!"
I mean, come on! What do you think the rest of us are? Morons? Obviously you do. And you're right. It works. People un-like me look and the photo-shown are almost... revered.
To the people who take these obvious-to-me setups at face-value: YOu are morons. If Charlles Darwin was alive today, ou'd be shot by his super-awesome theory-of-evolution ray gun that he used on the apes
Wait... I think I might have speed-read Theory of Evolution too quickly...
Or my own imagination made the book more interesting^^

The review hit me like a pirate's washcloth

The Brickster is my god - Thanks for the wonderful review!
What a lovely chap. What a lovely set, too!
Hmm... Not going to have *any* spending money this coming year. Damn Pirate LEGO *stares evily at*
But I can't hate you, Pirate LEGO. Who am I kidding? I love you!
*hugs Pirate LEGO*
Hehehehehehe Oh, that Pirate - he's so crazy Hehehehehehehe
She called me a spoon. I'm not a spoon
(I'm a pretty good fork though, apparently =D)
Peace out, mah chizzle dizzles

Sunday, November 16

Posting again - I'm on a roll!

People look so cool when their blogs go back months and months. I wish mine did. 
Hmm... Stupid short, 3-post blog *stares evily at*
So many things going on with me right now. It's kinda strange. I mean hell - six months ago it was pretty quiet for me. Now I've got Dec. (0mg! 26 days!) and looking for work, and a CAR (0mg *love hearts for my car*) and a notch-up study-wise next year, too. And OLH. Well, That partially, contextually takes place from NOW until *THEN* I *guess*...
0mfg Rhetts got it all happening...
Erkh. Can I puh-lease not to to TAFE tomorrow? I really don't want to go. I'm procrastinating right now, I know. But the teacher I'll have is procrastinating while trying to teach. Lesser of two evils, I guess^^
Erm... I got a letter from the bank today, too. I could get a  ?credit card? and a ?loan? if I wanted to. What the hell would I do with a loan? Probably pay some flash-geeks to flash me up a flashy, flash-filled flash movie about MGS4. 
Hehehe I love that game. All the MGS' rock. 
Raiden isn't the comic relief, I found in MGS4. There wasn't any real in-your-face comedic side to this one. Ocaton kept crying. He gives a bad name to us metrosexual-looking glasses-wearers, I swear. 
Talk about product placement - Old Snake uses an iPod?! And Otacon uses a Macbook Pro!?
Apple and Google will take over the world. We all know it. 
Erkh. 26 days. I don't think I can last that long. 
I will, though. I need it. We need it. We >need< **it**, too. 
I should post some of my MOCs (My Own Creation - LEGO stuff I've made)
Thats a good idea, too. I shall of course run them by the judge before posting. 
I'm sad. Sad sad sad. I shouldn't be so sad (I'm sad for a reason, but it's a secret - can;t tell you)
I've got something insanely awesome to focus on. I shall focus on that. 
She's so good to me. I'm so lucky. 
I'll post some MOC photos soon, too!

Post #2

Oh, what to talk about?
I had a job interview, today. Yup. Go me. For the position of Console Operator at a Woolies Petrol Station. I think it went OK, too!
New 2009 LEGO sets starting to appear too!
(*Googles how to link with HTML - I know it. I know I know it. I've just forgotten it. Argharghargharghargh*)
OK OK - THanks to I've found it. Phew!
I'm trying to watch my Region 2 House, MD DVDs and i'ts proving to be quite hard. I used to be able to just watch them on my old DVD player, but now it's laser stopper laser-ing. 
THEN my iMac won't let me play them with the Region-Lockout turnaround-madjigey thing I used in XP. Thanks, Apple. 
THEN my XP installation on my iMac using boocamp won't let me do it either. 
There goes the best part of US$100 for those DVDs *silent corner-sobbing*
I shall survive this, however. Somehow. I must. I shall. 
OK, OK. Whinge over. 
I'll post later on tonight, most probably to gey myself back into blogging. 
I love you, all of you reading this
(More like all one of you at this stage^^)
-The Rhettmeister

The First entry

I think (Or I hope...) This is the part where I put my blogg-osity. 
Well, Thats where I'm doing it, so get used to it!
So many people blog these days it's insane! As a proud Web2.0 man-robot, I thought it would be my place to blogg my every move, but I guess I haven;t been into it.
When I found out **someone** blogged as well (And didn;t tell me for NEARLY SIX MONTHS *angryface*) I thought I MUST give this another go - because if *they* can do it - I certainly can!
My problem with my blogs in the past has always been forgetfulness. I forget to post. 
Well, no more!
Go blogg yourself